This post will give you the idea in certain ways to use if else, and condition in knockout JS in Magento 2 If else conditions in KO template If else conditions in KO template with && operator
Year: 2021
How to remove unused core modules from Magento 2?
To reduce the load time sometimes we should to disable core modules for performance or security reasons. There, I sharing here the default way to disable a module: bin/magento module:disable Vendor_Module But in the above method below problem will be arise: Module will be disable but files are still there. If you run integration tests …
Magento 2 Useful Commands List for Developer
Magento 2 Useful Commands List The list of most important  CLI commands for Magento 2 for developer . Setup Upgrade Using Command Line php bin/magento setup:upgrade or php bin/magento s:up If you don’t want to remove pub/static files while installing/updating database then use following command. php bin/magento setup:upgrade –keep-generated Cache Clean Using Command Line …